DIY Christmas Decorations

We all know how it is, this time of year is full of deadlines, office parties, present buying, family events, school plays and cooking for the masses and believe me the list could go on. It is easy to feel run off your feet and to want to economise any effort or time when it comes to decorating your house for Christmas. Baubles and bunting are picked up from the department stores or the homeware shop but no matter how much time you think you save, there is something much more rewarding about creating decorations yourself. We think that not only can some Do it Yourself Decorating save you money, it is also an activity that can be shared and enjoyed with your kids, partner or just as a bit of down time in your otherwise hectic schedule. Here are a few tricks we have developed ourselves, plus some from other home-ware gurus who have some ingenious ideas that we will certainly be trying out as well!

1. Paper Heart Christmas Tree Decoration.

First up, we've got two do it yourself Christmas tree decorations that are simply a matter of getting some wrapping paper (we recommend the Victoria Eggs options of course), some scissors and a stapler. Simple and incredibly effective. These timeless shapes, both the heart and the star will never go out of fashion and are the perfect accompaniment to any tree. They are also brilliant options to try out with the kids who can have a go at folding themselves. Keep an eye out with the stapler though!

2. Origami Star Christmas Decoration

3. Christmas Candle


Candles are such a quintessential part of Christmas, whether they are being received as gifts, adorning the table or warming a living room whilst you're snuggling up underneath a blanket. We think that this idea from Good Housekeeping is not only a stunning addition to any home but that it also requires almost NO effort.All you need is to buy some fruit and nuts (edible as well, always an added bonus in our book), grab your favourite candle and there you go an amazing centrepiece or simply a feature in any room of the house.

Go Nuts! Heaped with walnuts, cranberries, and kumquats, a cylinder vase displays festive flavors. Place a tall (8- to 12-inch) pillar candle and holder inside the vase; surround with fruits and nuts.

4. Macaroni Snowflake Decorations


Next is a lovely idea from the blogger Katie Elliot and is perfect for you to enjoy with the children, or on your own for that matter. I mean who doesn't like being let loose with the glitter pot? This DIY solutions creates decorations that can be hung all over the house and use a simple ingredients like pasta to a truly magnificent effect.

1. Select your macaroni

2. Then its time to come up with the design, move the macaroni around and see what falls into the best snowflake shape!

3. Using a strong craft glue plus a paint brush, apply glue generously to the pasta and then attaach the pieces together to make the design. Then lay them out on newspaper or wax paper to dry. Make sure that you rotate them from time to time just so they don't get stuck!

4. lay out a single layer of the snowflakes on a cardboard box and make sure they aren't touching one another. Spray lightly with the fast-drying white spray paint and let it dry. Keep applying light layers and then waiting for it to be completely coated. This ensures that the macaroni won't soften or lose its shape.

5. Next it's time for the fun part: applying the glitter. Get your craft glue again and thin it with a splash of water. Using a sponge brush apply each snowflake with glue and then sprinkle all over with whatever colour glitter you want. Reapply as needed if there are any empty spots and let dry completely.

5. Reindeer Christmas Baubles


Finally, we have the easiest and cutest Do it Yourself Decoration that screams Christmas but is also a fun and collaborative activity that is so easy to do and creates a really lovely effect. Thanks to Little Bit Funky for the inspiration!

All you need is some baubles of your choice, a fingerprint, a sharpie and a paintbrush with some red and black paint. That's it!

Take your bauble and a fingerprint, the smaller the better and cover it with brown paint, once it has dried grab your sharpie and draw some antlers and a little eyes. Finally, take the end of your paintbrush, dip it into the red paint and dot it in the middle of the face. Repeat this around the circumference of the bauble until you have as many reindeers as you desire. We honestly cannot wait to see these up on our tree and because you can vary the colour of the bauble they make a fantastic crafty present for a loved one, or your little one's friends. 

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